Why should you use Angular Material for Angular Projects

 Hey guys,
There is lots of chaos, these days about lots of stuff and, that made me busy... but fortunately, I came back after learning lots of stuff.

From day one I am using DON't re-event the wheel. You should know where the thing comes from but ..... take away what matters to you.

Now coming back to my title why should you use  "Angular Material for your Angular Projects" .... as we are free to choose whichever framework we suppose to choose and there is nothing like hard and fast rule recommended.

But for the shake, if you are looking for some framework apart from bootstrap to add up to your list, I will highly recommend adding angular material.

Apart from the reason Google maintains it, there is a couple of reason that I am going to share with you which will be beneficial for you in any way.

 There is a steep learning curve while you are utilizing some component of Angular Material.

They are the ready-made solution for some pretty complex(for the shake of time constraint).
Some of them are pretty useful & well maintained.

  • Tables -which have lots of ways to customize like sorting filtering,
  • pagination, 
  • tabs- where you can hook the things, 
  • Steeper - for step by step layout with hook


Now you may say there is a hell lot of library that does this same, So I can tell you they definitely do but maintaining that library are cumbersome. These libraries are designed in typescript syntax and have proper directive designed where they have handled each case and the UI is most optimized as well as device friendly.

 Yes, they have a good theming strategy as well and makes your website more elegant if it requires.

If the use-case is something like the project is maintained by more no of people you should go for this as there is a hell lot of answers you will find over stack overflow for further UI customization.

Last but not least.... nothing is perfect but you can trust the path that is traveled most.

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