React overwhelmed

Hey guys i have absconded from writing blog about angular and to its related concept in the written topics, no coding sort of thing is what i choose their only theoretical topics.

I caught up with lot of urgent issue to sort out of from my life and align my self to take off my career in more adventurous direction.

I got to introduced to React js since 2017 as everyone is just bumped up and started every other frontend project in react and with doubt of building native apps, react have the solution React native which made it the most prominent technology to take up and everyone was doing so.
I was being late for adopting the race and was faithful under the shadow with angular and would still stand by it. While there are lots things happened and things change quite dramatically. Specially after the pandemic would never imagine this situation.
As you could have sense from the title from the same, i am going to talk more about how we are overwhelmed with React word, And lots of fascinating experiment coming in the picture be it react-hooks with more popular state management compatible like cream which is redux and lots of design pattern favouring those state management libraries like redux saga and redux thunk.

The world of frontend world in the most creamy time and lots of fascination waiting with compatibility with Graphql this is tremendous change give exponential performance and data pulling and fetching data in most optimised format.

This comes with lots of learning and with some of the side effect. Lots of Auto-wire and out of the box solution available and i couldn't image this is the unprecedented time we are in.

During the time laps i transferred my carrier from Full frontend role to full stack role learned emberjs and back to React world now. YES REACT :D 

Now from now on i will be talking more on react world too. Will feature out changes we will be seeing under the hood of React js, Next Js, Redux world and my favourite Graphql.


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