Second Step toward learning Angular

Hey, guys, I am back again with some Shitty Stuff 😛 pardon. Today I am discussing How I have evolved myself learning and writing some standard code and building my starting apps and deploying it over Heroku.

Heroku is a kind of container like things which helps you run your application on the fly in their server, all you need to do is deploy your code and they will handle the code using node js environment.

This blog is followed from my previous blog about starting out angular for the first time link

Coming to the web part Now you are set with angular cli for that I am pretty sure.

Now in any time you just write ng new in your command prompt generate an angular application isn't. If not please go back to angular documentation I believe somethings should not be repeated.

Now I supposed to give you some target to build some application to get aroma fo angular and typescript.

But first things first make sure you are aware of these short-cuts

> ng g c COMPONENT_NAME --module="module it links" --spec="do you want to test this application" -dry{for checking what this line do in your command promt}😕
         > ng g s {similar kinda para} for generation service😖

check out this link to learn more about a shortcut.

Coming back asking what shit I have written above will be a good question. Now reiterate me

I have done nothing just created a new Component for my application.

The component is building a block of a WEB application. Anything which itself have some functionality like any dynamic/Complex User Interface is called a component.

An angular framework is designed in a way so that we can segregate the things such that it makes our code more elegant to read, scale and better for testing if needed.

Lots of jargon to tell you I still want to make this guide more theoretical I swear. But for now, making it short makes you more comfortable.

Remember you are not going to learn something rocket science but indeed good stuff I suppose.
For now, ending up here and continuing in another blog keep your eye here.


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