Start your journey with Angular 6+ (CLI edition)

In this article, I am going to share my journey how I have started and made myself feel comfortable writing angular with typescript(Which is nothing just a superset of JS).
I believe the world is continuously improving and evolving to reduce the effort for humankind. so as I am a human of this world believes in not to re-invent the wheel which is against the term starting from the scratch pardon👐.

I believe in a rapid learning process in the start because the tough part is waiting for I mean design skills 😵. 

So choose CLI VERSION is way better decision instead of cloning the git project of angular and configuring its library.

For sure I don't want to discuss any particular topics in angular because you will feel boring so making it theoretical.

The story starts from, I only knew there is an angular framework and I want to know it for web projects. and I landed up in their documentation website. KIDDING 😛.

In the start, I was wondering around the  with its pre-requisite example application called the "HERO APP" which is quite familiar with angular guys.


This Example Tutorial tried to discuss each and every basic topic that needs to be cover in for getting starting in. In later of the post I will cover some of the CLICHE topics which you must know to be a pro.

Starting from Angular Folder Structure and their MVC pattern designed.

How component and service are interacting later which will help to scale the application to a larger extent.

One more attention is that you guys are learning about Angular not Angular js 😀. If you are comfortable writing basic javascript you will feel like a pro when you touch typescript at first. while Angular CLI do have jshint which will automatically pop up an error.

You can learn typescript from their official documentation but instead, you should try utilizing your time with already existing projects from GitHub and trying to analyze the possible syntax which is basically similar to another object oriented language.

BUT Again a controversial line says "You won't learn unless you haven't done it practically" is it a DOUBLE 😐meaning .

Making typescript helps a lot with static type checking like flow another similar kinda popular library by facebook.

My approach to learning any framework is to determine the scope of the framework (very cliche line😝)later what are the open source project available on the internet trying to clone it right away and just understand the flow like how it is designed for communication.

If you want to learn something you have to guess the scenarios and if not you have to search it find it in the first place. Except if the term is complex just make a note of it and find it later.

For example, in the beginning, I came across terms like Directives, Pipes, Injection (DI), Modules, Two-way binding. I was astonished and in a serious note getting lost while reading about it. 

Later at one moment I stopped and start feeling and using it without knowing it, what it is called like terminology and a moment later I knew all these things and feel comfortable.
Discussing this I recall a moral says don't judge the book by its 😅cover .
So moral of the story is not to get hesitated while going through these jargon words.

Hope after reading this you guys knew few of the glimpse to start of your journey to learn angular.


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