Angular Routing part 2

Hey, guys I really feel nostalgic as I have missed some of the core concepts that I feel you should know when you are working for routing in angular.

Continuing from my previous blog

Here comes a concept of how should we design the layout such that my router will work perfectly as of the previous tutorial I have discussed about router-outlet kind of things which helps us to achieve this and display those sub-components inside it but in some case where I need to configure side nav, as well as top nav both or lets, say in some page i do not want to see my nav bar

 so for those cases, we need to configure our router as per parent-children relationship.

So the whole point of discussion is whenever you are defining router outlet make sure it will view only those component which is attached to that....

another way of saying is making sure every child belongs to one parent ...

Indeed as of my policy, I won't talk in code so as of now I am ending this blog with these notes.

Hope you guys learned some tips for improvising your next angular application.

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