Journey of Angular in 2019

Hi Everyone, these days Front-end dev peers are looking up for some promising framework which give them more reliability in terms of maintainability & scalabilty.

And It is worth to look upon these parameters as far as flexibility with mobile and web friendly there are some of the promising framework worth to try and the name goes like react Native , Ionic , native script.

Talking and prediction about the framework market. As the more of the front End dev are switching their carrier toward Reactjs just because of its high demand. As per industry standards react app is more fast to build and provide SSR which helps with SEO and different kind of benefits.

Framework is worth of work done by some of the great dev which comprises of most optimised code for handling particular thing.

Now most of things are clear to Front-end dev even if they have less no of years of experience. Whilst they find problem during some of the complex task.

As of involvement of the Front-end world I don't find any kind of Stagnancy and it is in it's continuous growth. 

While talking about me I came from Angular background and I feel it is having great learning curve and you will get most of the things while doing a simple crud based application using proper maintainability.

How about Rxjs. It is worth to mention we are leveraging so many of promising libraries these days. And Rxjs these are one of the choice.

Keeping yourself strong in java script concept and keep learning and trying out  other framework is the only way to evolve and grew up in front End world.


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